Wage Lawsuit Against Barclay Water Management, Inc. - Investigation

Menken Simpson & Rozger LLP (MSR) is currently litigating a class action lawsuit against Barclay Water Management Inc., for failure to pay the legally required prevailing wage to Environmental Technicians who serviced and maintained water towers, coolant towers and ice machines on publicly-financed projects in New York State and New York City.  

Examples of publicly-financed projects include public schools or colleges, public hospitals or medical centers, government buildings, transportation centers, community centers, and correctional facilities. 

MSR believes that Barclay has failed to pay prevailing wages to Environmental Technicians in other states and is currently investigating whether these actions have occurred.

If you worked as an Environmental Technician for Barclay Water Management and you worked on publicly-financed projects in the past six (6) years, please contact MSR or 212-509-1616 for a consultation.