Sticking by Employees Under Fire.
Defending Employees in Trouble or Facing Accusations
When employees get into trouble at work and are facing discipline or worse, an experienced attorney can help employees navigate the situation to protect their jobs and careers. Sometimes workplace conflicts and accusations receive press attention or cause severe reputational harm. We employ a strategic and aggressive approach to defending our clients — and always with a clear objective, whether it is preventing a termination, fighting back against false allegations, getting a lawsuit thrown out or negotiating “soft landing” exit with a severance package.
Sometimes you need a lawyer to play defense, and sometimes offense is your best defense. We have a track record of success in defending employees in crisis.
We represent:
Employees accused of any kind of misconduct
Employees being “managed out” or who receive the dreaded “Performance Improvement Plan”
Employees facing scandalous or explosive allegations
Educators who are the subject of a Title IX complaint
Employees who are being sued as individuals in lawsuits
Case Dismissed for our client, a small business owner, accused of sexual harassment by an employee. The plaintiff claimed over 2 million dollars in damages. The case was dropped by the plaintiff after our investigation revealed text messages proving that the accusations were false.
No Pay on behalf of a bank executive accused of sexual harassment by his subordinate. No lawsuit was filed and our client did not have to pay any damages.
Case Dismissed against our client, a department chair at a New York City university, who was publicly accused of sexual assault and harassment in a lawsuit that garnered international press coverage. Despite the gravity of the allegations, in a public settlement the claims against our client were dismissed, in the words of the judge, without him having to pay “a single cent.” We also negotiated a retirement package for our client worth over $150,000 and the disciplinary proceedings against him were withdrawn.
No Pay and No Termination on behalf of a physician’s assistant accused by two of his colleagues of sexual harassment. We were able to negotiate a resolution that allowed him to continue his employment with the healthcare provider.
Exit Package for a CEO accused of sex harassment of a younger employee. We negotiated an exit package on his behalf, including cash payments, and prevented a public scandal and lawsuit.
Resignation and No Restitution for producer of a popular television show accused of embezzling thousands of dollars of company funds.
or call us (212) 509-1616
Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash