
United States of America, ex rel. Joan Gallagher v. Intermune, Inc.
$42 million settlement
In this whistleblower action, we represented a sales representative who exposed her the drug manufacturer’s fraudulent scheme to unlawfully sell a drug “off-label.” After the U.S. Department of Justice intervened, a $42 million settlement was reached, with $5.7 million allocated to our client.
Andryeyeva v. New York Health Care
$4.9 million settlement
We brought this class action on behalf of home attendants who worked 24-hour shifts but were not paid the minimum wage for all those hours. The case led to an appellate decision that established the right of those workers to get paid for all hours of their 24-hour shift. This has caused a seismic shift in the home care industry leading to a hearing in NY’s highest court, the New York Court of Appeals, argued by Jason J. Rozger in 2019.
Gambacorta v. The City of New York
$1.35 million victory
We represented a legally blind clinical psychologist who had created his own way of memorializing his therapy sessions with the help of a volunteer assistant, and was admirably performing his job despite his disability and the hostility of a new supervisor. Dr. Gambacorta was fired after treating patients for 23 years based on his supervisor’s mistaken belief that he was unable to do his job because of his disability. After a successful eight-day arbitration and litigation in federal court, we obtained a settlement of $1.35 million for Dr. Gambacorta.
Discrimination and Harassment
Medical Professionals Practice
Disability law
Perez v. Consolidated Housekeeping
$1 million settlement
Our firm obtained $1 million on behalf of a class of approximately 60 individual employees who cleaned the interior of commercial office buildings in the NY/NJ area.
Fortune 500 Bank Employee v. Bank Executive
We represented a bank executive accused of sex harassment. After presenting evidence and legal arguments in the mediation, we were able to get the accuser to drop and release any claims against him—without our client having to pay a single cent. No lawsuit was filed and our client avoided a public airing of the allegations, which he denied.
Ramos, et al v. SimplexGrinnell LP
$15 million settlement
Acting as lead counsel, our firm achieved an excellent result for a New York statewide class of 600 fire alarm technicians, settling the case in two parts in 2012 and 2015 for a total of $15 million. The case involved Simplex’s refusal to pay the technicians the New York prevailing wage and supplemental benefits they were entitled to while working on state projects, such as state prisons, public schools and municipal buildings. In order to succeed, we were forced to litigate in the New York Court of Appeals and the United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals.
JM v. Fortune 500 bank
$1 million settlement
We obtained a $1 million settlement on behalf of a female bank marketing executive whose male boss excluded her from business opportunities and a promotion. The case settled at mediation and without litigation.
Dr. S v. City of New York
$555,000 settlement
We represented a dentist who was fired after working for NYC Health and Hospitals Corp. for over 20 years because he had the Hepatitis C virus. We brought the case in federal court and alleged that Dr. S was terminated because the City “regarded” him as disabled. The “regarded as” prong of the federal, state and city laws protects employees from being stereotyped as unable to work when, despite their perceived illness, they can perform the essential functions of their job. After nearly two years of extensive litigation, we settled this case on behalf of our client for $555,000.
Discrimination and Harassment
Medical Professionals Practice
Disability law
Theodore B. v. NYC Roofing Company
$1.5 million settlement
We obtained a $1.5 million settlement on behalf of approximately 100 roofers who were not paid overtime wages.
Bahena v. Park Avenue South Management, Inc.
$650,000 settlement
After over three years of hard fought litigation against four different law firms, we obtained a $650,000 class action settlement on behalf of New York City building superintendents denied overtime pay.
United States of America, ex rel. Richard Faden v. Young Adult Institute
$18 million settlement
In this whistleblower action, we, along with co-counsel, represented an executive who identified a non-profit’s false and illegal pattern of billing the federal and state government for therapeutic services that were not provided. With the help of the U.S. Department of Justice, an $18 million settlement was reached, with $3.4 million paid to our client.
Tse v. UBS Financial Services
$3.5 million verdict
We represented a female financial advisor suing UBS for sex discrimination, and obtained a jury verdict of $3.5 million. The trial court upheld the verdict in our client’s favor, but reduced the amount of damages due her. The parties, thereafter, settled the lawsuit.
Grottano v. City of New York
$12.5m settlement
With our wealth of experience successfully litigating civil rights and strip search cases on behalf of pre-trial detainees, we accepted the NAACP Legal Defense Fund’s invitation to co-counsel this case on behalf of a class of visitors who were subject to invasive searches upon entry into City of New York jails to visit their family and friends. A $12.5 million was preliminarily approved by the court and the case remains pending.
98 Banquet Waiters v. Major NYC Hotel
$3.2 million settlement
After over three years of litigation, we obtained a $3.2 million settlement on behalf of 98 banquet waiters who were not paid their gratuities in violation of New York Labor Law. To hide its wage theft, the Hotel added an 18% “service charge” to customers’ invoices and kept it rather than passing it on to the waiters.
35 Computer Programmers and Web Designers v. NYC Sports Start-up
$680,000 settlement
We fought for a $680,000 settlement for approximately 35 tech employees who were not paid contractually agreed upon and overtime wages.
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